πŸ’œ 365 Days of Conscious Creation πŸ’œ

"Playing learning, and waking up to more and more possibility"

Do YOU have an impossible dream??
I am here to tell you nothing is impossible when God/source energy is with you.

Conscious Creation is an art, and this program is a whole year of love and support to help you master that art.

356 Days of Conscious Creation has been designed on purpose to give you daily nudges that re-calibrate your mind, orientating you back to truth peace of mind, ease, love and connection.

"Your own experience is your truest and most effective teacher "

YOU are a unique aspect of the divine. You have something within you, your youness, that only you have.
It's not an accident that you are here, alive in this particular time and space.
YOU have something to give, something that only you can bring to humanity.
It may not seem like much to you, or it may seem huge, way too big, you may not even know what it is,
or realise its significance.
But if you are here reading this page, you are ready to wake up to more of who you are
and to bring your unique desires into form!


You were born to create,made to be a maker, you are already continuously creating,
you don't need to to learn how to create.

But here’s the thing, you are very likely to mostly be doing it on auto pilot ~ Unconsciously.

And I bet you are often surprised by what shows up in your life and what doesn’t !

Take a look around you at your life, your health, your finances, your relationships...

YOU are an integral part of the creation of ALL that you see.

For some of the things in your life, that might make you feel good, for others
I hear you cry…I would never have created that!

This is where Conscious Creation comes into its own.

If you want more of what you love in your life and less of what you don’t like,
then becoming a conscious creator is for you.

When you are ready to understand yourself and have a deeper knowing of who you truly are…

(hint it’s much more than you think!)

When you are ready for better health, more wealth, loving connected relationships.
When you are ready to relax have fun and enjoy your way to all you want…

jump in and join us.

This is Total Transformation, fully supported for an entire year...

The idea behind 365 Days of Conscious Creation is to help
you create a life you love, with deep and secure foundations in love and understanding.

This is not an egoic, get rich quick scheme, this is a deep dive into who you truly are
and who you were born to be, who you get to create yourself as in each moment.


Its learning about true and deep fulfilment, happiness, and peace.

It’s about understanding the true abundance of life, this
pie has no limitations, you can eat until you are full, you NEVER need to be
hungry or lack anything, but if you take from greed fear and misunderstanding,
you will hurt yourself in the process and end up never having enough,

no matter how much you take.


That said, 365 Days of Conscious Creation is a fun and
exciting adventure that will change your life in countless great ways in as
little as 15 minutes a day.

It will help you make conscious, loving creation your way of life.


Every day for an entire year you will get a life-changing,
bit-sized, and nutritious treat for your mind. Intended to gently, show you how
you are creating the life you have right now.

~ The good the bad and everything in between ~

You will learn to choose to use that knowledge to consciously create,

with ease and joy, the life you truly want, deep in your heart,

whatever that is for you.

No more stress, anxiety, and frustration. 

Think of it this way...

it's like having your very own personal spiritual teacher in your pocket every day for a whole year

~ you will be guided every step of the way, until the path is clear,

you know where you are going and how to get there. 

Take a moment and imagine where you could be in a year from now,

It gives me tingles when I do that, when I imagine what’s possible…

The Practical Bit...

You will receive an email direct to your inbox every day for an entire year!
*audio version included within the email*

A daily nudge to keep you headed in the right direction.
Daily playtimes, designed to give you your own experiences,

words alone don't bring your understanding from your head to your heart.
Your personal experiences do.

You can read, or listen to the audio version of each email.

You can replay to any of these emails with questions or comments,

I will reply with help and support to keep you on track.

Once a fortnight there will be a live call, where we will explore more deeply,

and you can bring your questions, and share where you are.

All of the calls will be recorded for your convenience.

Your Investment Β£365.00

(payment plans available when you get to the payment box)

Email me at info@dare2bu.co.uk if you would like me to send you a copy of the prospectus for 365 Days of Conscious Creation.
Its well worht a read, whatever your decision about joining the program.

Ann Buckingham

I found the 365 amazingly helpful - I loved receiving the Daily emails & found the interactive Zoom calls so good for 'keeping in the conversation'.

Very highly recommended

Bekkah Merino

I just love everything about today's email. It's number 51 - which is my door number.

It's sooooo simple and yet so profound! I love love love it!!!!!!

Thank you.

Sue Lachman

Loving the 365 emails

You have to stop bringing me to tears!

Something touched me deeply from these words.

Thank you!

Rachael Mortimore

Thank you for the 365 course. Its been a
game changer for me this year. I look forward to every email. 

My life is going in a very different direction for 2024.

Frank Jackson

I have found Deb's 365 days of Conscious Creation a real anchor over the year.

Something every day to inspire, energise, console, amuse,
and to contemplate.

If you have as much faith as I do in Deb's approach to the universe,
this is a valuable programme to try.

Lizzie Paish

I love receiving the 365 emails each morning and always read them before I get into the day!

Deb has such insight into creation, and hearing her talk about her own amazing creations inspires me enormously.

As a result I am seeing my creations more and more clearly, and loving being aware of my own process of creation. 

Jo Murphy

I am getting so much from Deb’s 365 daily emails which I eagerly await every morning!

Always something to take away each day.

Highly recommended.

Helen Gough

I can thoroughly recommend this course. It is wonderful to have an email every day for the whole year.


It has been so helpful to me to see things differently and be

the person I want to be Deb is amazing in pointing me in the right direction and taking a different perspective, and for seeing how amazing life is.